Oh Canada!

We were moving to Canada. So Michael and I were caravaning to Canada with at least some of the kids. The only one I know for sure was there was Alex but there were at least 3 cars total. We drove and drove, and we got to Denver where we stopped at the house Alex and Austin are renting. Weirdly enough, I never took a tour of the house. I saw a few rooms but that was it.

We were worried about having all of the proper documentation for customers. There was a girl there and she had a shoe box full of paperwork and was worried they would make her do a jor other than baker and she was saying “I’m a baker!” I was worried that I hadn’t put my paperwork in a shoebox and was worried about if I’d brought the right items to move with.

There were two dogs in this house and one got on my lap and was licking me and Buster came up and growled at him.

We werediscussing getting back on the road again, and Michael said we were only 25 minutes from Toronto.

I thought about calling my friend Vikram, but realized he is still in India and wouldn’t be in Toronto.

A Strange Birthday

I dreamed that it was my birthday. We were pulling into school in the morning at Madison Central High School. I asked them if there was someplace we could park overnight because it was my birthday. They pointed to the school parking lot and so I pulled into a very far back spot near some trees. I thought I could pretend that I was in the woods because of the trees.

Then fast forward to that night and it was a camper. Michael’s friend S. had bought drugs for us, and we were all taking the drugs. One of the police officers that we had asked about parking came with us and said he would protect us. He did, and I felt so safe. He took the drugs too but was protecting me. I can’t even describe the sense of safety. He was in his 20’s and blonde. That’s all I remember about him. I had to use the bathroom and I was supposed to be saving it. I went twice though, and flushed one down this little portable toilet because I didn’t want people to know I’d gone twice.

Then we ran out of drugs and someone else brought more, and it was bad. Instead of feeling good and happy like S’s, these made us feel bad. The man was still there protecting me though.

At the end of the dream, someone else was leaving to go get more drugs and I didn’t understand why they weren’t letting me get them from S, where we knew they would be safe and good.

It’s Your Move


It’s been a very long time since I’ve blogged about a dream. But I had two super vivid dreams last night that I couldn’t let pass by.

The first one, I was in a very tall tower…extremely tall. I was a young person and it felt very Harry Potter-ish. I had several friends around. One was asleep – I’m not sure if he was under a spell or in a Coma. But people were worried about him waking up and then realizing that he was in a chess tournament. When I looked out the window of the tower I was in, I could see that indeed, there were giant chess pieces that were alive. The people on the ground looked tiny next to them. Imagine chess pieces the size of a skyscraper made of grass/bushes and tiny people all around the base. As I looked out the window, one chess piece moved and was saying “excuse me” so it didn’t step on the people. I’m not sure why the people didn’t want the boy to wake up and see this.

Then the adults asked if we wanted to go swimming and we said yes. We had to go down a very long ladder and it was very scary. Going back up there was an even smaller ladder that I was dreading. But we got to the bottom. The boys walked along this path to get to the water, and myself and another girl walked over rocks. We had to do it this way and I thought the rocks looked harder to navigate, but someone else asked why we got the easy path.

Then we got in the water and it was very light, bright blue. I didn’t know what to expect. We got in and I was completely buoyant. I imagine this is what it’s like to float in the dead sea. Then someone said that women were able to see much more clearly in the water so I looked around and realized everything was brighter.

We were swimming and it was lovely but then we decided to try to save our friend who was sleeping/sick/under a spell. We had to be sneaky about it because the adults didn’t want us to do that. So we told them we were going back up to the room. Instead of taking the ladder though, we took elevators (way better.) We got upstairs and were changing clothes. This wasn’t the place where we lived, so I was worried about not having the right clothes. Alex was there, and he couldn’t find a shirt that was long enough. I looked, and I had one of his shirts in my hands so gave it to him – it was a long sleeved polo shirt. (He never wears those.) Then we ran to the elevators to try to get to our friend, but people saw us and started chasing us. We went around a corner and got in a different elevator, so we got away from those people. But then there were groups of children in costumes chasing us. Their job was to find people who weren’t a part of whatever group this was and capture them. They kept singling us out even though we tried to blend in. Eventually we got away. We went into a room with a woman, and started breathing in. A black smoke came out of her mouth and went into us. She was excited because this was a bad thing that was leaving her, but we knew we had to inhale it in order to save our friend. Then I woke up.