Up on the Rooftop

In this dream, I was living in a dorm or shared apartment of some sort with other girls. I had gone to the roof which was a forbidden area and I saw eggs all over the roof. Then we were in an elevator. There were several of us and I was falling asleep.  The elevator broke and the numbers kept spinning and going very high. I called for help and they got us off, but then the guy realized we were in trouble.  Then I snuck back to the roof with two girlfriends. We saw eggs hatch and they were these small colorful little people – maybe about 6 inches tall. As soon as they hatched they could walk and talk. My friend who is a gymnist started to talk to one who said she could jump high. They both started flipping and jumping across the roof. Then we realized that each one of us had a doppleganger – a little person who shared our traits. About that time, we realized that someone had been notified we were on the roof so we were trying to escape. First, I remembered that there were stairs in the bathroom.  So I ran in but couldn’t find the door to the stairs. So we decided to take the elevator. We tried to cover the camera but I was worried we had not successfully done so. We made it back to our rooms and someone said something about “noticing” the poles in our rooms. We realized we were in a lot of danger, and that somehow they were cloning us or using our DNA to create these little creatures, but we didn’t know why.

Escaping the Inevitable

I dreamed I was doing an escape room. There was a series of three different rooms, and I think I was with work colleagues. Each group was categorized based on their anticipated success, and I had been chosen for the “best” team that was going to go last. I was very proud. We were in a camp-like environment in some kind of a cabin. My old boss John was there (who I haven’t seen in years) and he came up and gave me a clue. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but I knew he was going to hand me some kind of a dice or cube with letters on it, and I would have to turn it sideways to use it. He also gave me a note, and the “e” was turned sideways. We were getting ready to begin, and I had to go to the restroom. I ran into the bathroom which was connected off of the back of the main room. I heard the timer start, and I was a little worried about missing the beginning, but I knew I could catch up. When I came back in, I went outside on the porch, and there was a rice krispy treat on the ground. I started eating it and then thought that I should have left it because maybe it was a clue.  As the dream continued, we were no longer in the camp cabin, but we were in a building that had many escape rooms in it. There was a problem – things in the escape room were not working properly. I don’t remember the details now. But I figured out what was causing the problem and we fixed it. When I woke up, it seemed that we had fixed the escape rooms and were going to win.

**Background** I did go to an escape room yesterday to plan a VIPKid meetup.

Spirit Central

I dreamed that I was looking for a new house. We found one that was perfect– the other one we had talked about would have required me to set up my office in a bathroom but this one had the right number of bedrooms.

We wanted to go see it once more. When we showed up, the parents were nervous and frantic. They asked us if we could take their kids’ shoes to school. Apparently they had forgotten them. We were going to but then the kids showed up. The parents didn’t notice until I pointed it out and then they were too distracted to give them their shoes. So we have them to them and sent them back to school.

We were concerned about two things initially: the house was in Springfield in Sunshine street which is very high traffic and commercial, but this was on the very edge of town so it was near the country. I thought the traffic sounds might have bothered Michael. Also as you drive further into the country there were a lot of confederate flags so I was worried about the kids’ safety. The second concern was with the back yard- it was a 45 degree angle so we were worried about mowing it.

I spent the night there and was contacted by some sort of spirit. I knew his name in my dream, and I had an extremely intense tingling in my neck and spine. It was very pleasurable, but I got the impression that this spirit and maybe others were in the house and the people hadn’t told us. The next morning I was trying to get more information to see if they had this experience and if there were others. They were being very evasive with their answers. I really wanted to communicate with him again though. It was a consuming, addictive feeling and I wondered if that was why they were so distracted.

Running, Worrying, Waiting

I dreamed that Alex and I both had jobs at a place. We were in different sections but I saw him in passing from time to time. One day we were under attack. I was in an auditorium and men with machine guns came in. Someone really close to me got shot at. I put my hands up but they didn’t care. So I ran and escaped out the side door. I was looking for Alex and saw a giant Winnie the Pooh balloon. I knew without a doubt that’s where he would be. Sure enough he was hiding behind it and when I found him he gave me a big hug. Then we were separated again and I was working in the stained glass division which, for some reason, I thought made me safer.

Our life became repetitive threats though- at any time, these men could come in killing. I started sitting near the far doors in auditoriums so I could be among the first one la out of a room. One day two men burst in on me and another girl while we were using the bathroom. The bathroom was weird- no stalls just two toilets next to each other, but by this point we didn’t have any shame. They weren’t there to kill us though, just to clean up water in the bathroom. They said they would come back the next week.

We were trying to come up with an escape plan but hadn’t by the time I woke up. The dream was very repetitive- running, worrying, waiting. Running, worrying, waiting.

Contributing Editor to the Book of Life

I dreamed I was visiting a new place (or it may have been an extended stay.) When I arrived, I was shown my room, and then they were giving me a tour and showing me where to go. I came out of the bedroom, and they took me down the hall and turned the corner. Every few feet there were doors and stainless steel refrigerators turned sideways. They stopped at one of them and pushed the refrigerator to the side. That opened up a passageway and stairs. When we went downstairs, we were in a large corridor with tons of people in it. It felt like a cross between a shopping mall and a train station. People were all walking and going places. They took me back upstairs and I realized I was lost and didn’t know how to get back down there, so they showed me again. (Something interesting to note, I don’t know who “they” were. Men, women, etc?)

Then a woman I knew in my dream (not in real life) took me to a bar/restaurant area. We were sitting down near the front of the stage, but the funny thing was that the stage was extremely tall, so the front rows didn’t have a good view of the stage. A band came out and two men who looked like Crosby on Parenthood were in the band. One was the lead singer and the other was a guitar player. The lady I was with was dating one of them, and they were twin brothers whose family were either owners of the place we were in, or they were very influential.

After that, I went back to the area near my room. There were writing prompts, and everyone present had the opportunity to participate. Sometimes there was a question asked and people were asked to write a response. Other times, there was already a response, and people were asked to write the intro. If your response was selected, you were paid. It was almost $10 for a very short prompt, but I got the impression it was highly competitive. I got the impression that someone was writing a very huge, very detailed book. No one really knew the whole storyline, but everyone got to contribute to small parts of it.

As I was writing, someone important acknowledged what I had written, but they were being discouraged from calling me out because I was so new to the place. They felt I had to prove myself over time. Then they mentioned an inventor who lived there. I recognized the name, and he was someone who had invented a kitchen gadget. They laughed and said that yes, that’s all he was known for in our world, but in other universes he had created so many different things that weren’t possible with our technology. They said it must be so frustrating to have done so much elsewhere but not be able to in our world. I was star struck and felt very impressed to know that the man lived there. I’m not sure if I “knew” there were other universes but it seemed to make perfect, logical sense at the time I was being told.

Then a friend came up and she had a device that would let us travel through time. She said that she found out when the “gods” were going to come through. “Gods” wasn’t the word she used – it was a very specific word, but I can’t remember it now. They were not God the creator, nor were they traditional mythological gods. But they were supernatural beings that carried some celebrity status. Anytime they appeared, people were very exciting. So my friend transported us to where they were appearing, and suddenly they appeared out of nowhere. It was very exciting. They didn’t do anything but walk past, but everyone was excited. She used this tool a couple of time to see different sightings.

Afterward, I went back to my room. I was talking to my friend and shared something about a meme I had seen. It was something about people exchanging emails and Donald Trump. She said she’d never seen that one, and I realized that in this place, I was seeing new content that had never been seen in the world before. Eventually, some of it would trickle down to Earth, but as of then it was unseen.

I then realized that I was laying on the floor and I wasn’t wearing pants. I was just in underwear. I had started my period (which is odd, because IRL I had a hysterectomy years ago.) I was worried that I needed to change my pad because people would be able to see since I was in my underwear. The only bathroom I remembered seeing was past the refrigerator downstairs by the large corridor. I got to the area, and there were people standing around talking by the refrigerator. It was almost like a break room. But before I got to the bathroom, I realized I hadn’t brought my pad with me. So I went back to the room. I had my small, purple suitcase with me, and someone asked how I could have such a small suitcase. I told them that the shirts didn’t take up much space and I only wore one per day. Then I noticed that there was a bathroom connected to the room, so I didn’t even have to go back down to the corridor bathroom.

This was an extremely vivid dream with a lot of detail. My first thought was that I needed to turn it into a novel. My second was that this is how I envision a small slice of heaven. I think I might have read somewhere once that all information is housed in heaven and it doesn’t always make it to Earth. I imagine this place in my dream as sort of the ‘grand central station’ of information, and that everyone there was contributing – storylines, music, invention — all of the creative forces in the universe. They were all doled out to different worlds. And people take turns staying there and then going out into the worlds (almost like “field work.”) It was really amazing.

The Answer’s in the Palm of Your Hand

Last night, I had a very strange dream. I was on a business trip of some sort (only not traveling with my actual co-workers that I know.) We were in a hotel – maybe a conference center, although at times I got confused and thought we were at our friends’ house (Jon and LouAnn.) Of course, it wasn’t their actual house either. I had gone outside, and there was a swimming pool. It was very natural looking, with lots of landscaping/forests around it. It looked less like a pool and more like a pond. In the back corners, it was very dark because of all the shadows. I felt like I should ask LouAnn if I could go swimming, but as I was thinking about asking, suddenly I was in the water. I was nervous about going in the back since it was so dark. I also wondered if it was stocked with fish, but the water felt great. As I was swimming around, I saw a small silvery/white thread sticking out of my hand. I got out of the water and used tweezers to pull it out, and it was extremely long. As I pulled, then it turned into a wide, brown stick maybe half a centimeter in diameter. It hurt a lot pulling it out, and I had to put pressure on my hand to make myself pull it out. But the relief was so great when it came out that I had to do it. Each time I pulled one out, another one would appear. All of them were in the palms of my hands, and they had come from swimming in the pool. Someone else started to get in, and I warned them against it.

The dream then shifted and I was back inside the hotel. We were going into a meeting that I was leading, and it was on the 11th floor of the hotel. My room was also on this floor, and there was also a fast food restaurant on this floor. I wanted to get a diet coke before the meeting, but I was worried about running late. When I got into the room, though, everyone was late, so I left to go get a diet coke. The people in the restaurant knew me because I’d been in there so much. There were some people getting these huge plastic tumblers of diet cokes, but I just ordered a regular large one. They got distracted and forgot to get it for me, then a lady tried to give me a small one. It was very chaotic. I was also looking at the cabinets and appliance doors, and there were small bottles used to help prevent them from slamming. Austin called me while I was there and told me about the same thing, and I thought that was a big coincidence.

There was also some form of betrayal. I don’t remember the details now, but someone in the group had done something, and we were trying to figure out who. There was a bathroom that had plastic sheeting on the walls (like we used to have in our restaurant on the kitchen walls.) They had put crayons in the bathroom so people could write on the walls, but then it could be washed off. I wrote something but then felt guilty about it.

A Camp or Conference Like No Other

I dreamed I was at some sort of camp at the church. I think it had to do with the diocese. Alex went with me and made friends with the youth group, and had a great time. I didn’t really see him but I knew he was there. When I arrived I needed to find someplace to sleep. I was sitting on a bed (it looked like a hospital bed on wheels.)  It was in the main room and there was a bathroom down the hall we would all share.  I had a 12 pack of diet coke, but then I looked down and realized it was Diet Dr. Thunder (that my mom drinks.) I started bargaining with people to trade some for diet cokes in the morning. I was also trying to do some emails on my laptop.

Then a group of disabled people came in, and we realized these hospital beds were meant for them. So they took those beds and wheeled away. I asked someone what we should do, and they said that we could transfer to another part of the hotel. I didn’t want to spend the extra money, so I walked around checking in other rooms, but they were all full.  When I came back, more beds had been added but they had all been taken too. (And some were golden bunk beds that were extremely wobbly.)  So, I decided to go to the other part of the hotel.  I walked down the hall, and there was a ride you could get on.  It was a combination water ride/roller coaster (a lot like fire in the hole.) At the end you arrived at a different part of the park. I got off (and was with a female friend of mine.) We walked into the hotel part, and sure enough, they gave us a room there.  It was a shared suite with a guy we knew (short with glasses – reminded me of my old friend Doug.) There were two huge bedrooms and a huge bathroom with several dressing areas plus shower, toilet, etc. It was extremely luxurious and huge. We were thrilled and it was so much nicer than all the places people were staying over on the other side. We went to bed, and when we woke up, we realized we had overslept and missed the morning session. We got dressed, and I was wearing a short skirt with pink, sparkly tights and a renaissance-style coat with a hood. It was very cute, but very unusual for me. As we were walking over to the sessions, we passed through a mall-like area.  There was the chance for groups to take pictures of themselves, so we did. I remember thinking they were very cute, and I wanted to buy copies.  There were lots of places that would put those pictures on t-shirts, but I just wanted prints. The technology was pretty neat though because as you would walk by the booths it would recognize you and show you your pictures.

I decided to stop in a store that was dark with black-lit aquariums. All of the fish were sparkly and glowing and beautiful, and everyone was wearing costumes similar to my own outfit. There were surreal looking trees in some of the aquariums and also some had an octopus in them. It was all beautiful and magical and surreal.

I was wearing skates of some sort, as were the people who worked there. I just wanted to wheel around and look at everything it was so beautiful. I stopped at one point for a romantic encounter with two people I used to work with. One was extremely shy (to the point she would falter and stutter in meetings) yet she held a position of authority. The man was the complete opposite, very outspoken and aggressive about everything. She was trying to satisfy me but I kept asking him to finish. She was disappointed and said that we would have one more meeting and he couldn’t participate but that she would make sure it was exceptional without him.

I continued toward the back of the store, but they had to turn on the lights because of some sort of a safety issue or accident. I was very disappointed because it took away the magical elements and made it look like a normal store. I tried to move forward to the front of the store where it was still dark and sparkly, and there was an octopus that was loose. The employee was trying to catch it, and it almost hit me.  I jumped to avoid it, and that action caused me to wake up.

Party Time in a Hospital Bathroom

I dreamed that I was volunteering in a hospital of some sort. It wasn’t a traditional hospital, and I’m not exactly sure what I was doing there. I was wearing blue jean shorts and a shirt, and everyone wore aprons over their outfits. I realized partway through that I should have been wearing the scrubs I have for the HMM – I would have been much more comfortable. When we walked in, we had to go through a classroom where my high school science teacher was teaching a class.  He always got mad that we interrupted his class, but I didn’t know any other way to get to the room I needed to be in.

One day after we got yelled at for interrupting a class, we went out the other side of the room to find an alternative entrance. This led us to a totally different part of the building.  One room was a huge room I’d seen on tv with purples and sheer curtains. I was starstruck! It was not used as a “hospital” but in some sort of entertainment capacity with famous people. I wanted to sit in one of the chairs but I didn’t. I went around to another section and needed to go to the bathroom. I saw a bathroom labeled “fecal” which I thought was a typo for female. When I went in though, there was a weird poop disposal system and a urinal-like contraption. There was no toilet I could use. I thought about trying to use the poop disposal thing but was worried about the cleanliness. So then I went around the corner and found other restrooms. When I opened the women’s door, there were two huge halves, and both were reserved for a birthday party. The main one, which was a private stall, was decorated and gilded in gold. It was reserved for the girl whose birthday it was. The other half, with multiple stalls, was reserved for the guests. I was very unhappy because I couldn’t find anywhere I could use.

I think that a lot of this dream relates to the building project at our church. We’ve had a lot of discussion about bathrooms, and the need for a family bathroom. I think that the clothes represent my persona and the fact that I’m not necessarily comfortable in the role that I’m in. The fact that my high school science teacher was there and making me find a different path is interesting. He always said that you had to hate kids to be a teacher or you would drive yourself crazy. I’ll have to think about why he was there.  Maybe because I didn’t really want to be involved with the design process, and now I’m leading the committee? If I cared too much about the outcome, I wouldn’t be a good fit for that.

Ramblings from the Week

I wrote down a few snippets of dreams on paper next to my bed over the last week, but I didn’t write them down in full at the time, so I’m not sure which days the dreams occurred and I don’t remember the details of the dreams.  But here’s what I’ve got:

Dream 1:

car dealer/rental Terry from My Friend’s Place

angry boss

work/office bathroom

pee everywhere dropping from ceiling

no one would help

friend Matthew?





Ok…the only part of this dream I remember clearly was when I went into the bathroom. It was very unclean and there were pools of urine on the floor, and it was on the ceiling dripping down. No matter what I did, I couldn’t escape from getting it on me. It was disgusting and I was so grossed out. This is oddly similar to Camp Capers, where there was also a bathroom and I was getting excrement all over me.

Dream 2:

gone on trip

met guy at apt (?)

reservation at Mexican Villa in Nixa

lost on Highway 116

almost to Fayettville

Almost plane crash

cat hair in apt

Cousins at CVS exchanging —-?

This dream obviously relates to my recent trip back to Springfield. I don’t know what the significant of the number 116 is – that doesn’t mean anything to me.