A Class of Their Own

I dreamed that I was in school. There was a class dealing with a dead body and I kept trying to do what needed to be done and no one else would help. I got so mad and started yelling about it and refused to touch it again. But I had pulled it down on the table or coffin and no one would even support it’s head.

People were signing up for a dance class that my mom was teaching. She gave them each the option to perform at the end or not to perform- there were three choices. They were concerned about what they would wear and mom promised to help them find something suitable. Apparently her sister Shelly had been a dance teacher and so they thought she would come out of retirement to help but she said no. I assured them that if anyone could figure it out and help them it was mom.

We were continuing to sign up for classes and this cute guy knew me but I didn’t know him. He said “let’s see what Amelia picks.”

Wonder in Alice Land

I dreamed that I was in a college class. It was the first day and it was really early in the morning (5 or 5:30- about the time my alarm was going off. I was worried about Jessica and I called a woman to ask about her. She was clearly put out at being called so early and she gave me three names to call. I already had one of them along with a phone number so I planned to call him later in the day.

In the class, there was a sexual harassment class everyone had to take. The teacher handed out info on it but he wasn’t teaching it. Then he told us we needed to write down a dream. I got excited and told him I kept a dream journal and could write them into a fantasy novel. I said I could call it Wonder in Alice Land.

Recess and Rides

I was in a cyclical dream that I couldn’t get out of.  It seemed to repeat several times with subtle variations. Michael and I were going to the kids’ school to check them out. When we arrived, it was an elementary school and everyone was running around on recess. I was confused, because I didn’t think that high schoolers got recess, so I asked if they were helping with recess. Michael said this was the last year they got it. There were two sisters who were fighting. They pushed each other, and the smaller one (who I thought was so little she should barely be able to talk) said something very articulate, though I can’t remember what.  Everyone was auditioning for a play, and we were discussing what part I could play.

Also in this dream, Michael had bought me a new car. It was the exact same as my current one, but it was a different color and was entirely new.


Taking Count

I arrived at the school for a meeting but the meeting was over/ at first I thought I was lucky to miss it, but then I realized that I was going to have to help do inventory. We had to walk from room to room and wrote down if there were problems – specifically chairs missing or broke computers. We didn’t have a methodical process and were missing rooms. Plus we didn’t actually turn on the computers. I didn’t believe anyone even looked at the report because the same things had been reported before. As we went around I wrote down the names of each room- they were labeled in a sign over the door but they were had to read. The rooms were large lecture style. One room was dedicated to Christmas and at first there was no decoration but then we realized the teacher was bringing one item out at a time. The most recent item she brought out was a lacy bra that matched her clothes. At one point I was in a nursery and had used my pencil down to the nub. I went to sharpen it but the sharpener was so tall it was out of my reach plus there was nothing left to sharpen. I took a pencil from the cup on the desk instead.

Concession Confession

I was supposed to be in charge of the concession stand for the band, but it was being set up in the church kitchen. As we were setting up a hearse was leaving from behind and Ben commented how the show must go on and we do a good job of keeping things moving.  Someone got out a big tub of cookies and said they were left over from the middle school game. I asked if they were for us to eat or to sell and she said sell three for a dollar. Then there were boxes of petit fours that we were trying to plate on little crystal plates and sell but they kept breaking. 

It was 30 minutes before the game was to start and someone asked me if I wanted to start in prayer. I was conflicted since it was a school event but said I would do it 15 minutes before. Then we got busy and I don’t think I ever did.

Late for School

In my dream, we had all moved to a new house. Alex invited five friends over and they were playing dress up in full costumes. They were like onesies and there were soldiers, cowboys and more. I realized that they didn’t have time to change and get to school on time and so I told them to get changed. Dylan was driving us, even though the school was within walking distance. Dylan went to pick up his friend and came back and was waiting in the driveway. Then suddenly I was a student and had to go too. I was worried about having to run laps for being late to band and I didn’t know if I could do it. Also that day we had a field trip scheduled to a science museum that included an aquarium. I didn’t want to be sweaty to go to the museum. As we were walking in, Aunt Sandy called me.

Badge of honor

I had been on a trip for work and just got back. I was supposed to be in high school but had missed the first several weeks. My old classmate Jason was there. He went and got us a Diet Coke to split because I had mostly foreign currency. I was carrying a purse, which was odd. Then I decided to go get food in the cafeteria. I got there and looked at the hot food area, salad bar and deli and the decided to get a piece of pizza. The slices were huge. I got ready to take my plate and they said I had to slide my badge and I realized that since I missed the first of school I didn’t have one. I went to the front office and got in line to get one. There were strange older guys going into the school making jokes about hard boobs. It was weird. Michael was in the line with me too.

Popcorn and Priests

At a festival at church. No one had told me what to do so I got a big popcorn machine like they had at the braves game and started making popcorn. We were supposed to be done by midnight and I was finished. Suddenly we were in a school. Whoever was in charge was leaving and Michael and I left with some other guy. Two guys were staying there to get high and we were worried about them. The next morning we came back to church and Davis was doing communion and Ben was helping. The two men were missing and someone told everyone what happened and they were in the hospital. For communion we had water instead of wine and I had my glass covered in foil. One lady asked a question in the middle of communion.

School Rules

I dreamed I was back in school and didn’t have the proper supplies. I had gone upstairs and was going to English. (I wasn’t sure I had the right class.) when I got there I saw my old elementary school friend Alison was there and had brought a whole pack of plain dark colored markers. I had a multi colored pack and remembered I was supposed to have the other. The teacher was a mean old woman so I expected to get in trouble.