The Prodigal Son Meets Parkour

I was in an apartment, I am not really sure which. I knew that a secret society of sorts met there, but I didn’t really understand who they were or what they did. I knew that the people who came and went were very close – beyond ordinary friends. And I knew that I wanted to be a part of what they had.

At first, I thought that it involved selling makeup. There was fingernail polish, and I remember asking what I needed to do. I said that I could start wearing that kind of fingernail polish, and I started looking for both a dark, greenish color and a neutral beige color to wear. I also thought that I could start selling it. As I was looking at the fingernail polish, there was a guy sitting in a chair in the back. (It almost looked like a dental chair.) They were putting a mask or a body wrap of sorts on him, but it was clear that the process was making him high based on what he was saying and how he was acting. I thought to myself that I didn’t know if I wanted to do that.

As the dream progressed, I realized that this group was much more than I first thought. They use magic (?) to move around the city, and everything is a life-sized game of sorts. Each person has a list of challenges to complete, and you can work together to complete them.

I had been doing this for a little while, and Buster and I were back in the apartment. (Perhaps this was like a headquarters?) We heard a cat meowing incessantly, and so I went in the hall to see what it was. I thought it was either an intruder or a part of the game. A guy that had been gone for a while (but that I was very fond of) had returned and wanted to work on the next quest. I was excited, and so we went running through the halls. Everything moved very fast in this world. I tied Buster to a post in the stairwell, using a leash I found outside the door. He was surprisingly calm about all of this (and in fact, had been going along with me on the quests for some time.)

We were running through the streets, through buildings, etc. We reached another building in another part of town – it felt more rundown. There was a meeting with this whole group, and we were apparently in trouble. One guy that I was close to was getting admonished for not helping me finish my personal list of tasks, and I interrupted in the meeting and said that I was told not to finish them. The man in charge didn’t want to hear it. (I was very rude when I interrupted.) I then looked at the other man who was sitting next to me (he looked a little like Taylor from the Gilmore Girls) and even though I knew he was the one who told me not to finish them, I asked if he would help me do them now. He said of course he would. Then I accidentally did something that transported me back to the original apartment building, though I’m not sure what I did. It was very disrespectful for me to leave the meeting (and I didn’t mean to.) But I wasn’t sure how to get back to it. It also was frowned upon to work on tasks by yourself, so it wasn’t safe or a good idea to be on my own. I untied Buster and took him inside again, and then tried to teleport back to the building where the meeting was. I wasn’t sure how to use the technology, so when I arrived, I didn’t know where I was or where the building was. I did this a few times, but I was at risk for people seeing me, so I stopped. I decided I needed to go home, because my mom (?) would be worried about me.

I went back to the apartment building, but there was a terrible flood. I tried to teleport home from outside, but I received an error because there were other magical people too close. I went through the building to exit the other side, and the street was entirely flooded with water coming up the steps. Someone was standing there and told me to watch my step. I held the handrail and then walked down the steps, but before I reached the bottom, the whole stairwell collapsed  and detached from the building. It started floating down the street along with cars. I didn’t feel unsafe at all, and I somehow feel that magic was partially controlling this – that everything was still in control. I also believed that even though I’d been gone from home for an extended period of time (days? weeks?) I didn’t think my mom would be concerned now.

There was an older asian woman on the stairs with me (kind of like Lane’s mom on Gilmore Girls), and she said, “There are many Chinese triangles in the sky today.” I looked up and suddenly could see triangle patterns where there had been done before. I was amazed by this, and I took it as a very good sign.

Oddly enough, I feel as though this is more meaningful than just a fun dream. I googled Chinese triangle, and apparently, the Chinese “discovered” the triangle, although I don’t really understand that. I also googled “sacred geometry” triangle and clearly, this shape has significance, not the least of which is the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Without over-analyzing the various parts, my gut tells me that this represents a glimpse into my tasks on earth, and the people I was so fond of are guides who are there to help me. In their world, things that would normally be stressful for me are simply “next tasks” for them and are perhaps great fun. The pace of time is different from my eyes to theirs, and time has no meaning for them (which is likely why my “mom” would not be worried and why I was unclear if I was gone days, weeks or months.) The meeting could indicate that I was somehow off track, and the team was being reprimanded (?) that feels like the wrong word. I got the distinct impression that my tasks could now change, but I wanted to get back on the same path as before and they were willing to help me do that. I don’t feel there was anger, just more stating of the facts.

In life – while I’m awake  – I’ve felt that the barrier between heaven and earth has been “thin” lately. I started feeling this way around my birthday (February 2017) and now.

I know my friend and dream mentor Karen would now want me to go back and analyze the various elements and look at the people and how they might represent parts of me.

  • The urban apartment: I’ve always liked living in the city. The fact that this is an apartment rather than a house would signify that this is a temporary stopping point. As a young adult, I never bought a house because I wasn’t sure that I’d be there long enough and I wanted the flexibility to pass through. This could represent a phase in my life, or even this temporary time on earth.
  • Fingernail polish/makeup: This is a clear reference to my persona. I’ve been thinking about nail polish lately because a) I’ve been biting my nails again and b) I was thinking how nice I look in the “goth” filters on snapchat with dark blue lipstick, eyeshadow, etc. I’ve even been wearing special mascara to make my eyelashes seem longer.  The first step was adjusting my persona to incorporate the elements of this group, and the second was helping others do so as well.
  • Wrap/Drugs/High: This was an interesting thing. I had watched a couple of videos of people putting on wraps and facials before bed. They weren’t particularly fun, though they said their skin felt nice after. I clearly felt an affinity for these people around me, and I wanted to be a part of their group. Yet I didn’t trust them with this experience? I think this was telling me that there are parts of the journey I won’t be comfortable with, but I have to trust God’s path and know that the outcome will be worth it.
  • Buster: This echoes the trust factor. Buster never trusts me and does not like change. The fact that he was willing and compliant to go without hesitation on these quests, or to remain tied to a stairwell, shows his trust of the process and of this group. Perhaps he’s a teacher in this dream.
  • Cat: I’m very allergic to cats, and so I never spend time with them. This cat was exceptionally loud, and was used to get my attention. Again, things I don’t like being used for good??
  • Prodigal Son: This term came to me as I was writing the analysis, and it fit perfectly. I don’t know why this person was gone, but I was so excited he was back. Perhaps this was Jesus? That doesn’t feel right (and I don’t think Jesus ever ‘leaves’.) In the story of the prodigal son, the son fritters away his money and leaves, and he returns hoping to work for his father as a servant. The father welcomes him back with open arms and celebrations. If this person is me, it could represent a part of me that’s been “lost” or again point to the fact that I’m “off track” but be reassurance that I’m able to get back on track without issue or repercussion.
  • Meeting leader: I never saw the meeting leader, so this could represent God.  But if this is a part of me, it’s the part of accountability.  It’s the part admonishing the distractions and trying to stay on task. I was very rude to this part of me (which is not like me – I generally would never be rude to anyone in authority, at least not intentionally.) I interrupted and left in the middle… I’m perhaps not listening to my inner voice? I know I need more quiet time. The cycle of work is not working for me.
  • “Taylor” – This is an interesting one. In my dream, he was the one who pulled me off track, but he’s also the one I turned to to get me back on track. (echoes of the forgiveness with the prodigal son?) I don’t like the character of Taylor in Gilmore Girls. I find him annoying and I usually don’t care for his story lines. However, I also can see myself in him – the part of me that dwells on detail and the control freak part of me.
  • Flood: What a powerful symbol! For me, this represents a new start, fresh start, clean slate. There is destruction but then rebuilding. This can also represent the forces of nature.
  • “Mrs. Kim”: This character in the Gilmore Girls is an interesting choice. She is extremely strict, but now that her daughter is growing up, she lets down her armor a little bit so you can see the love and the humanity behind the persona.  She wants what’s best for her daughter, and sometimes that means being tough on her. That’s perhaps my conscience – trying to do the right thing.
  • Chinese Triangles: The only personal references I have for “Chinese” is my good friend Marleen who I love dearly, and the Mrs. Kim connection, but they are not Chinese. I don’t have any personal feelings about the triangle, so this one is still a mystery to me.
  • Parkour: This word kept coming to me, as perhaps it’s the closest thing to represent the pace of activity in this dream. When I googled it, I found this definition in Wikipedia:

Parkour is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training. Practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Parkour includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and other movements as deemed most suitable for the situation. Parkour’s development from military training gives it some aspects of a non-combative martial arts.

Parkour is an activity that can be practised alone or with others and is usually—but not exclusively—carried out in urban spaces. Parkour involves seeing one’s environment in a new way, and imagining the potential for navigating it by movement around, across, through, over and under its features.

This is so interesting, because although I’ve never looked up this definition before, this describes the movement in my dream to a tee. The movement didn’t LOOK like the Facebook videos I’ve seen of parkour, but this description is perfect. I’ve been blogged down by details, and I’ve been letting them slow me down (or, if this dream is any indication) pull me off track completely. I need to see my environment in a new way, and imagine the potential for navigating it my movement around, across, through, over and under its features.  Rather than feeling grouchy or overwhelmed, stalling and making excuses, I need to see this as the game it is. The game of life. I need to be creative and know that I have a host of the best people ever helping me behind the scenes. I need to keep moving forward, and the journey will be so worth it in the end. And I need to trust God.  

Party Time in a Hospital Bathroom

I dreamed that I was volunteering in a hospital of some sort. It wasn’t a traditional hospital, and I’m not exactly sure what I was doing there. I was wearing blue jean shorts and a shirt, and everyone wore aprons over their outfits. I realized partway through that I should have been wearing the scrubs I have for the HMM – I would have been much more comfortable. When we walked in, we had to go through a classroom where my high school science teacher was teaching a class.  He always got mad that we interrupted his class, but I didn’t know any other way to get to the room I needed to be in.

One day after we got yelled at for interrupting a class, we went out the other side of the room to find an alternative entrance. This led us to a totally different part of the building.  One room was a huge room I’d seen on tv with purples and sheer curtains. I was starstruck! It was not used as a “hospital” but in some sort of entertainment capacity with famous people. I wanted to sit in one of the chairs but I didn’t. I went around to another section and needed to go to the bathroom. I saw a bathroom labeled “fecal” which I thought was a typo for female. When I went in though, there was a weird poop disposal system and a urinal-like contraption. There was no toilet I could use. I thought about trying to use the poop disposal thing but was worried about the cleanliness. So then I went around the corner and found other restrooms. When I opened the women’s door, there were two huge halves, and both were reserved for a birthday party. The main one, which was a private stall, was decorated and gilded in gold. It was reserved for the girl whose birthday it was. The other half, with multiple stalls, was reserved for the guests. I was very unhappy because I couldn’t find anywhere I could use.

I think that a lot of this dream relates to the building project at our church. We’ve had a lot of discussion about bathrooms, and the need for a family bathroom. I think that the clothes represent my persona and the fact that I’m not necessarily comfortable in the role that I’m in. The fact that my high school science teacher was there and making me find a different path is interesting. He always said that you had to hate kids to be a teacher or you would drive yourself crazy. I’ll have to think about why he was there.  Maybe because I didn’t really want to be involved with the design process, and now I’m leading the committee? If I cared too much about the outcome, I wouldn’t be a good fit for that.

Ramblings from the Week

I wrote down a few snippets of dreams on paper next to my bed over the last week, but I didn’t write them down in full at the time, so I’m not sure which days the dreams occurred and I don’t remember the details of the dreams.  But here’s what I’ve got:

Dream 1:

car dealer/rental Terry from My Friend’s Place

angry boss

work/office bathroom

pee everywhere dropping from ceiling

no one would help

friend Matthew?





Ok…the only part of this dream I remember clearly was when I went into the bathroom. It was very unclean and there were pools of urine on the floor, and it was on the ceiling dripping down. No matter what I did, I couldn’t escape from getting it on me. It was disgusting and I was so grossed out. This is oddly similar to Camp Capers, where there was also a bathroom and I was getting excrement all over me.

Dream 2:

gone on trip

met guy at apt (?)

reservation at Mexican Villa in Nixa

lost on Highway 116

almost to Fayettville

Almost plane crash

cat hair in apt

Cousins at CVS exchanging —-?

This dream obviously relates to my recent trip back to Springfield. I don’t know what the significant of the number 116 is – that doesn’t mean anything to me.

The Games We Play

Last night I dreamed I was in a live video game. I was taking care of two children – a boy and a girl. I don’t remember them clearly, but it seems like they were spoiled and very bratty. We were playing a live video game. In the game, there were two components, a “story” component that included mysteries that needed to be figured out and a racing part where you were in cars that went very, very fast and the goal was to beat everyone else. The racing was set up as boys vs. girls. There were also dogs involved, though I don’t know how. I started on the story part, and I was in a hallway going through different doors trying to find something. I finished with the racing part, and it was really fun – I was going super fast and didn’t want to stop.

Because I didn’t write the whole dream down when I woke up, I lost a lot of the details. However, I’m certain that this dream stems from my participation in the Women’s March on Jackson yesterday. Obviously, the clear distinction between boys and girls reflects some of the core missions promoted by the march. I also think that most people (on both the left and the right) are acting unprofessionally and unproductively – perhaps aligning with the “naughty” boy and girl in the dream. I definitely feel conflicted between the call for action positioned against the need for meditation and taking time to really understand and listen.

Working Through Secrets

I dreamed that I worked at the mall (where I worked during college.) I had gotten a second job at Victoria’s Secret and it was the first day of work. I was supposed to be there at 8:00, and I left my current job a few minutes early. I had to turn around and go back because I realized I wasn’t wearing any shoes. That was apparently acceptable at my other job, but I realized I had to wear shoes at Victoria’s Secret.

I put my shoes on (they were black tennis shoes) and started walking through the mall again to get there. I was worried that I should have worn my black dress shoes instead, but I thought they might hurt my feet. I realized I was likely to be late, because I had to walk the entire length of the mall from one end to the other. At one point, the only way to move forward was to go up these steep hills in the mall. The floors were slanted, and although there were some non-skid places (much like you would see in a bathtub, I still was sliding backwards. The friends I was with (one of whom helped me get the job at VS) were having no problem getting up the hills, and there were also kids clambering up, and they didn’t have any problems either. I became frustrated because I kept sliding backwards. One of the little kids looked at me and said, “You might need to ask for help. I had to have help twice climbing up!” I glared at the kid and ignored them. Then I took my shoes and socks off to get more traction, and that worked and allowed me to get to the top of the series of hills. I ran the rest of the way to work, and fortunately, they weren’t mad at me for being late.

I checked in and everyone was gathered outside the store for a team briefing. I noticed that I was dressed differently than everyone else. They were all wearing stylish suits, and I was wearing more of a frumpy dress. I asked what they wanted me to work on, and my boss was moving things around outside on a sale display but he sent me inside to work on something else. While I was in there, I asked someone if I should buy some new clothes to wear to work. In my dream, Victoria’s Secret sold clothes not lingerie and they started shifting through the racks of clothes pulling out things for me. I said that their store didn’t sell clothes large enough for me so I would have to order online, but in my dream, they did have some larger sizes.

I don’t necessarily have a full interpretation here, but I wanted to share a couple of parallels.

1- Some things aligned with Dylan starting his new job.

  • He went in (late) to work on Saturday (at 8:00) because he was at guard camp. I know he was worried about being late.
  • He had to wear black shoes, and rather than buying new black tennis shoes, he decided to wear his Dinkles from band.

2- Obviously, several things had to do with my persona.

  • Victoria’s Secret was an odd choice for a job first of all. The fact that they sell lingerie points to something about my persona I am keeping hidden, or maybe that’s usually hidden.
  • I also have emotional connections with VS because I am frustrated that they don’t carry any larger sizes in-store. If I purchase their things in real life, I have to order online.
  • I was dressed different and “frumpier” than my coworkers. I think this ties back to my fear of the merger at work. After working from home for so many years, I’m not sure I know what to wear and how to fit in anymore. I certainly would have to go shopping so I have things to wear other than jeans. 😦

A few things to ponder:

  • Malls – I dream about malls a lot. I suspect this is because I worked at a mall at a pivotal time in my life (during and after my divorce). It was the first job I found on my own, and it was the first job I quit. There are lots of emotions tied up in that period.
  • Shoes – For me, this is clearly a symbol of something that helps me get from one place to another. It’s a part of my persona but also practical from a protection standpoint. The fact that I had forgotten my shoes and then took them off anyway is interesting.
  • The hills/slopes in the mall – this one is pretty clear. I know I am stubborn and so it’s not surprising I would refuse help from someone else. Someone tried to tell me to ask for help, but I wanted to fix it for myself. Would it have been easier to ask for help? Maybe, but I remember feeling embarrassed and worried they wouldn’t be able to pull me up because of my weight.

Camp Capers

I dreamed I was at some sort of camp. I went to the bathroom and the toilet had overflowed. I got poopy water all over my shoes and feet. I also spilled my makeup bag in the poopy water. It was gross. Different groups had set up camp differently- done with cots and done with blankets and sleeping bags spread out neatly and uniformly on the ground.


As I thought more about this dream throughout the morning, the meaning became more clear. In my personal My personal dream dictionary bathrooms tend to represent  a “safe place” for me. They tend to show up as places I go to get ready, or places I go to hide. In real life, my company is in the middle of a merger. My job security is uncertain, and so I’m considering what to do if I need to start looking for a new job (after 13 years at this one!) Meanwhile, back at the farm, I’ve gained about 100 lbs and am not in great shape. I have a fear of interviewing for new jobs – afraid that people will have a bad impression of me and not hire me because of my appearance. I’ve been focusing in the last few weeks on starting a new health care plan (diet, exercise, etc.) so this is top of mind. I think that my “safe place” or comfort zone has been compromised, and I’m worried about how my appearance will affect me. The different camps represent different companies (who have their affairs neatly in order) and I’m walking by with poop on my virtual shoes.

A New Sherrif in Town

It’s been a while since I have remembered a dream in great detail. Last night, the dream started out in a yard. Buster was chasing deer but this time it was a herd of tiny deer (babies about the size of cats with one momma deer.) By the time I realized they were so small and might not be able to get out of his way, it was too late. I ran over and one deer was so tiny it got on my finger. But instead of hurting them, he played with them and they became friends. I was afraid to touch the tiny one for fear the mother would reject it (much like a baby bird.)

Then the dream shifted. I was in a work trip to the Philippines with a group of people. Me, Daphnie’s friend Marie and one other person- a guy that reminded me of my old friend Doug and the capital campaign consultant Jesse-  were staying in the Shangri La but Marie had found rates for $120 per night. Rather than being in the main part of the hotel though, we were in a section off the garage. You walked out the door like you were going to the parking garage but instead of going straight out one door, you turned to the right. You walk past a big black desk that belonged to Ramon (from Honduras) and there were rooms. They were light and airy and were set up to be multiple bedrooms surrounding a central common area. There was also an outdoor living area. The only problem I was having was getting the phone to work. I was trying to connect an old manual phone to wifi to call home for free. As I was working on that, they wanted to switch hotels for the next week but I was concerned about the extra cost. I suggested we just try to move into he main part of this hotel. Then I walked out into a mall area, and I was sitting on a bench talking to my old colleague Dave. We had a dog and a tiny puppy that fit on the palm of my hand. Dave was supposed to be taking care of the puppy but he wasn’t paying attention to it. I was worried it would die. It had wandered behind the bench and gotten wet. I picked it up and tried to dry it off and warm it up. Then Dave said he was starting a new call center in New Orleans. I said confratulations and he told me he wanted me to come work there and move from Atlanta. I told him I was flattered but that I didn’t live in Atlanta any more. I explained my kids were going to be seniors in high school so I couldn’t leave and he said that if I was interested after that it would be perfect timing because it would take that long for him to get there and be ready for me. Then we saw Elizabeth and our other colleagues walk by. They were dressed in old west attire. I asked what they were doing and he said it was an excursion. I was upset because I didn’t know about it and he said the other guy rooming with us had sent out a full agenda. I was not pleased I didn’t get one, but he said I could take his spot. He was supposed to be the sherif. I put a leash on the big dog. He was pretty good about staying with us, but I wanted to be sure he was safe. I wrapped the little dog in a blanket.  I ran to catch up and Alison was there, my old friend from high school. I put the sherif stars on my chest and she said “thank God you’re here”- apparently it had been challenging with more disruptions since there was no one playing the part of sherif. We started running, and just barely made it to a train that was about to leave. We had to open the doors on the moving train and jump on. It we made it, and I remember thinking this was harder than I thought. Then I woke up.


Interpretation: I believe that this dream was a clear answer to a prayer. I was asked to do something at the church that I was hesitant to do. I had told the person who asked me – almost word for word – the answer that I gave Dave about this job. I also had talked to Ben about the request at the church, and he suggested that a better time would be in a few years. That aligned with what Dave told me that “he wasn’t ready yet anyway.” I think the part of the dream about the sheriff/ old west was telling me that when it was time to do this job, it would be a lot more work than what I expected.

I have not yet figured out what the miniature animals represent. 🙂


Tipsy Topsy Groundhog Day

I was in a sequence of repeating events. There was a man who had attempted to murder his girlfriend and she tried out for horror movies. In one version we thought she was actually dead and the kids had been in the car with the two of them earlier that day. It was very scary. There was a profit on the corner who touched my hand and said he had a message for me. His eyes were blind and covered with a white film but when he touched my hand the film cleared. I played a video game where the characters were chasing me. There was an event in the office where a man was trying to torture us- the only part I remember was him hitting us with a hammer. I feel like I dreamed this over and over with a bunch of slight variations.

I feel like this dream was important and I need to put some thought into interpreting it.

A Painful, Hidden Truth

Another bad dream. It started out at the church. I’m the circle where we have the statue of Jesus, there was some sort of device hidden that had the potential to be explosive or poisonous or somehow destructive. It was in the center of a battleground and there was a queen who was protecting it? Or threatening to use it? Or not allowing us to disarm it? It was hidden in the center of a maze. Then the context changed and the device was hidden in a store. I knew it was there and there were conspiracy theories on the internet but the store denied it. I called the store and made an appointment with the manager under a false pretense planning to surprise him and try to talk to him about it. I got to the store early and was looking around. I saw a room with a big circular table and it had different types of shampoo and conditioner so you could refill your bottles. It included the suave kind that I use and also a bubble-gum scented one. I was really excited but then I noticed the table was unplugged so I couldn’t use it. Then I went back in a section where people were shopping for Christmas presents. It was there that the device’s impact was most evident- a giant lumbered by (and was not friendly.) A severely crippled man walked by with his wife- he could barely use his legs so he was sort of dragging himself along the ground but he didn’t have a wheelchair. He said something to me about wishing he had known I was there so I could have helped him. I then started walking down the street, afraid of what the world had become. I realized that I wasn’t wearing my glasses and couldn’t see clearly. I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to find them and would get a headache. About that time I looked down and they were on the ground. They were broken and when I put them on, they pinched my nose. I wondered how they had gotten there because I had entered the store a different way and not walked down this side of the street before.


I feel that this dream has to do with being able to see clearly, and how sometimes that is painful but is necessary.