Up on the Rooftop

In this dream, I was living in a dorm or shared apartment of some sort with other girls. I had gone to the roof which was a forbidden area and I saw eggs all over the roof. Then we were in an elevator. There were several of us and I was falling asleep.  The elevator broke and the numbers kept spinning and going very high. I called for help and they got us off, but then the guy realized we were in trouble.  Then I snuck back to the roof with two girlfriends. We saw eggs hatch and they were these small colorful little people – maybe about 6 inches tall. As soon as they hatched they could walk and talk. My friend who is a gymnist started to talk to one who said she could jump high. They both started flipping and jumping across the roof. Then we realized that each one of us had a doppleganger – a little person who shared our traits. About that time, we realized that someone had been notified we were on the roof so we were trying to escape. First, I remembered that there were stairs in the bathroom.  So I ran in but couldn’t find the door to the stairs. So we decided to take the elevator. We tried to cover the camera but I was worried we had not successfully done so. We made it back to our rooms and someone said something about “noticing” the poles in our rooms. We realized we were in a lot of danger, and that somehow they were cloning us or using our DNA to create these little creatures, but we didn’t know why.

A Class of Their Own

I dreamed that I was in school. There was a class dealing with a dead body and I kept trying to do what needed to be done and no one else would help. I got so mad and started yelling about it and refused to touch it again. But I had pulled it down on the table or coffin and no one would even support it’s head.

People were signing up for a dance class that my mom was teaching. She gave them each the option to perform at the end or not to perform- there were three choices. They were concerned about what they would wear and mom promised to help them find something suitable. Apparently her sister Shelly had been a dance teacher and so they thought she would come out of retirement to help but she said no. I assured them that if anyone could figure it out and help them it was mom.

We were continuing to sign up for classes and this cute guy knew me but I didn’t know him. He said “let’s see what Amelia picks.”

Wonder in Alice Land

I dreamed that I was in a college class. It was the first day and it was really early in the morning (5 or 5:30- about the time my alarm was going off. I was worried about Jessica and I called a woman to ask about her. She was clearly put out at being called so early and she gave me three names to call. I already had one of them along with a phone number so I planned to call him later in the day.

In the class, there was a sexual harassment class everyone had to take. The teacher handed out info on it but he wasn’t teaching it. Then he told us we needed to write down a dream. I got excited and told him I kept a dream journal and could write them into a fantasy novel. I said I could call it Wonder in Alice Land.

Elevating Education

I was in school, and I don’t remember much other than going from one large classroom to another.

In real life, my friend is recovering from surgery. In this dream she texted me very upset. She asked why my son Dylan was so mean. I didn’t understand so I called him and he said he had made fun of her when he saw her in the elevator. I went to the elevator and she was huddled in the corner on a conference call. For some reason she had to stay on the elevator u til the call was over and she was miserable and looked awful.

If the Shoe Fits

I dreamed I was on a trip with Michael, Alex and Dylan. We were away from home and staying in a hotel, but there was a high school football game that Alex and Dylan needed to perform at.  We were sitting inside a large room/gym/auditorium of some sort, and I was wearing special pantyhose. I think that they were slimming, but instead of being shorts like Kathy wears, they were full length hose that also covered my feet. I was wearing black, open toed shoes but I also had tennis shoes with me. As we finished the activity inside, we had to move outside, and I was upset that I had forgotten to switch into my tennis shoes. I looked down, and suddenly my tennis shoes just appeared on my feet. We had been planning on driving home after the game – Alex and Dylan in one car and Michael and I in the other, but we realized it would be very late so we decided to spend another night in a hotel.

I’m not sure of the timing/sequence, but we also sat in a class. There was a substitute teacher who looked a lot like Danny Wood from New Kids on the Block. The class was filled with disruptions, and the kids wouldn’t focus, so he said he was going to show us the new technique. He took the entire class removing every disruption – letting people do whatever they needed to. He let people leave, and he just let the scenarios play out. Carl was in the room, and he wanted a pillow so I gave him mine, and I thought to myself that this wasn’t a great plan. At one point we all went outside. It was cold and snowy, and I had a blanket on. As we were walking outside, I no longer had shoes on at all. I was worried about it being cold and my feet getting wet. I was also worried about tearing the special pantyhose. When we got back, the teacher clearly thought that this was the last of the distractions, but I wanted to put my blanket in the dryer. There was a laundromat across the hall, but he said no. It did work somewhat in my dream – the class calmed down. He said he had tickets to see NKOTB, but that whoever took them had to be free to go the very next day, so I didn’t say anything. After class, I saw he traded them to a guy for a cigar, and I was upset I didn’t say anything.

Escaping the Escape Room

I’m in Atlanta this week for a work meeting, and tonight we are going to an escape room.  I’m super excited. Last night I felt like I dreamed about that all night, so I woke up exhausted!  What’s interesting is the detail of my dream…

I dreamed that my colleague Gary had been to this escape room before, and he told us that the secret was that each of the five buildings were named after the days of the week. At the time, that didn’t mean anything to me, but when we got there, that ruined the experience! We arrived, and the place was set up with five separate buildings inside a large warehouse that were all on motorized bases. There were tables set up outside each house for our dinner. We were supposed to have had two different groups, but those of us who arrived first just went on in and started.  There was a man inside on stilts, and he looked huge. He told his story, and kept stuttering as he said the word “Monday” and so immediately we all knew that we had to leave this building and go to the first building that was named Monday to solve the puzzle. I had decided to go ahead and try to figure it out without Gary’s hint. The man on stilts was smoking a cigarette that had a really strong scent. For some reason, I think it was sandlewood. I had to take my inhaler.  Then the lights went out and the house started rocking.  When it stopped, the man was gone and we were locked in. The building looked like my bedroom at home, and the drawers had my content in them. So in my mind, it was a holographic overlay. I found a bracelet on the wall with a tiny key, and the tiny key opened a tiny lock, but I didn’t see what was inside. A couple of people left immediately to go “solve” it (including my old high school friend Kristal), which made me mad. I also dreamed that Julie and Corey (two colleagues who went to the Hawks game instead of dinner) stayed out all night and met us there.

Recess and Rides

I was in a cyclical dream that I couldn’t get out of.  It seemed to repeat several times with subtle variations. Michael and I were going to the kids’ school to check them out. When we arrived, it was an elementary school and everyone was running around on recess. I was confused, because I didn’t think that high schoolers got recess, so I asked if they were helping with recess. Michael said this was the last year they got it. There were two sisters who were fighting. They pushed each other, and the smaller one (who I thought was so little she should barely be able to talk) said something very articulate, though I can’t remember what.  Everyone was auditioning for a play, and we were discussing what part I could play.

Also in this dream, Michael had bought me a new car. It was the exact same as my current one, but it was a different color and was entirely new.


Party Time in a Hospital Bathroom

I dreamed that I was volunteering in a hospital of some sort. It wasn’t a traditional hospital, and I’m not exactly sure what I was doing there. I was wearing blue jean shorts and a shirt, and everyone wore aprons over their outfits. I realized partway through that I should have been wearing the scrubs I have for the HMM – I would have been much more comfortable. When we walked in, we had to go through a classroom where my high school science teacher was teaching a class.  He always got mad that we interrupted his class, but I didn’t know any other way to get to the room I needed to be in.

One day after we got yelled at for interrupting a class, we went out the other side of the room to find an alternative entrance. This led us to a totally different part of the building.  One room was a huge room I’d seen on tv with purples and sheer curtains. I was starstruck! It was not used as a “hospital” but in some sort of entertainment capacity with famous people. I wanted to sit in one of the chairs but I didn’t. I went around to another section and needed to go to the bathroom. I saw a bathroom labeled “fecal” which I thought was a typo for female. When I went in though, there was a weird poop disposal system and a urinal-like contraption. There was no toilet I could use. I thought about trying to use the poop disposal thing but was worried about the cleanliness. So then I went around the corner and found other restrooms. When I opened the women’s door, there were two huge halves, and both were reserved for a birthday party. The main one, which was a private stall, was decorated and gilded in gold. It was reserved for the girl whose birthday it was. The other half, with multiple stalls, was reserved for the guests. I was very unhappy because I couldn’t find anywhere I could use.

I think that a lot of this dream relates to the building project at our church. We’ve had a lot of discussion about bathrooms, and the need for a family bathroom. I think that the clothes represent my persona and the fact that I’m not necessarily comfortable in the role that I’m in. The fact that my high school science teacher was there and making me find a different path is interesting. He always said that you had to hate kids to be a teacher or you would drive yourself crazy. I’ll have to think about why he was there.  Maybe because I didn’t really want to be involved with the design process, and now I’m leading the committee? If I cared too much about the outcome, I wouldn’t be a good fit for that.

Taking Count

I arrived at the school for a meeting but the meeting was over/ at first I thought I was lucky to miss it, but then I realized that I was going to have to help do inventory. We had to walk from room to room and wrote down if there were problems – specifically chairs missing or broke computers. We didn’t have a methodical process and were missing rooms. Plus we didn’t actually turn on the computers. I didn’t believe anyone even looked at the report because the same things had been reported before. As we went around I wrote down the names of each room- they were labeled in a sign over the door but they were had to read. The rooms were large lecture style. One room was dedicated to Christmas and at first there was no decoration but then we realized the teacher was bringing one item out at a time. The most recent item she brought out was a lacy bra that matched her clothes. At one point I was in a nursery and had used my pencil down to the nub. I went to sharpen it but the sharpener was so tall it was out of my reach plus there was nothing left to sharpen. I took a pencil from the cup on the desk instead.